Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


In this post i will teach you how to do basic DOS commands for you computer. DOS (an acronym for Disk Operation System) is a tool which allows you to control the operation of the IBM PC. DOS is software which was written to control hardware. To change the default drive, simply type the letter of the your choice. The new default will be listed in subsequent DOS prompts.


  • C> A: [enter]
  • Changes the default drive from C to A.
  • A> C: [enter]
  • Changes the default drive from A to C.
[enter] means that you must press the Enter Key before the format command will execute. [Enter] is required after any DOS command, it is assumed in all commands found below.

CHDIR (CD) Change Directory Command

Once you have located the directory you want, you may move from directory to directory using the CD command (change directory)


  • C> cd furniture
  • Moves you to the directory called 'FURNITURE'
  • C> cd \furniture\chairs
  • Moves you to the directory called 'CHAIRS' under the directory called 'FURNITURE'.
  • C> cd ..
  • Moves you up one level in the path.
  • C> cd \
  • Takes you back to the root directory (c: in this case).

COPY Command

The COPY command can be used both to copy files from disk to disk or to create a second copy of a file on a single disk. (There are many more uses of the COPY command, but only the basic operation is discussed here.)


  • C> copy c:kermit.exe a:
  • Copies the file 'KERMIT.EXE' from the C drive to the A drive and gives it the same name.
  • C> copy a:brazil1.dat b:\south\brazil2.dat
  • Creates a copy of 'BRAZIL1.DAT' from drive A on drive B, putting it in the 'SOUTH' subdirectory and renaming it 'BRAZIL2.DAT'.
The key to use this command correctly is to remember that the first file specified after the COPY command is the source file, the second is the target:ehp1 file. The source is the file to be copied. The target will be the location and name of the new file. If the file name and extension are omitted after the target's drive specification, the new file will have exactly the same name as the source file.


  • C> copy a:myfile.txt b:
  • C> copy
  • C> copy b:golly.gee a:whao.boy
  • C> copy command.* a:
  • C> copy a:mymap.dwg c:\maps
Note: it is always good practice to us the complete file specifications for both source and target files, Be very sure of yourself before you accept defaults or employ wild-card characters. Otherwise you may end up with some interesting results. Incomplete or incorrect source names may result in errors, such as the command: copy edlin a:myomy.bat. Try it and see what happens.

ERASE Command

The ERASE command deletes specified files.


  • C> erase a:myfile.txt
  • Erases the file MYFILE.TXT from the diskette in the A drive. If no drive specification is entered, the system looks to delete the specified file form drive C (in this case).
  • FORMAT Command

    You must format new disks before using them on the IBM computers. The format command checks a diskette for flaws and creates a directory where all the names of the diskette's files will be stored.


  • C> format a:
  • Formats the diskette in the A drive.
  • C> format b:
After entering this command, follow the instructions on the screen. When the FORMAT operation is complete, the system will ask if you wish to FORMAT more diskettes. If you are working with only one diskette, answer N (No) and carry on with you work. If you wish to FORMAT several diskettes, answer Y (Yes) until you have finished formatting all your diskettes.

Friday, November 16, 2007

17th Century Englishman Blog

In the Post by Pepys Diary i think it conforms very well with blogs today. the only exception would be the way that he is speaking. Since he is from the 17th century his vocabulary is much diffrent than what we use. also i dont think there is really a wrong way to write on the web. this diary is writen well and i think it adapts to the internet form, since there is no "standard" to write online. since this was also a personal diary written by pepy, the diffrence would be that he tells alot of himself and not many people today have personal diarys of them selves for every to see, and post comments on what they think.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Body Parts

In the article the author tries to say how games are just developing over exaggerated features for gamers to get hooked on the game. when you design to make a game, you want it to sell. so if by doing this it will sell games then why not do it. why would someone try to make something and not want to make money? if you don't sell then you would spend ton of money on something that fails. this is also what gamers want. they want to fantasize on things so let them do this. even though they are not really allowed to fantasize bc the game makers only give them some options. the article also talks about the game WoW but there are many other games that give users tons of options to change their characters. this game is not only popular by how their avatars look but by possible on the game play. this also plays a major role in attracting users

Friday, October 19, 2007


In This video by LonelyGirl15 Named Grillez it shows how she and her puppet freinds are immitating the Song Grillz by Nelly. It shows her and this other kid have grillz in their mouths.(tin foil). I also saw the video called my parents suck which she describes on how her parents wouldnt let her go out with her freind danielle and how made he was because of that. In the article about lonelygirl15 and how it describes how she wasnt real but just a paid actor. if you never knew this the videos look as if she was real and not faking it, but i think that it edited to well and played to well to be real. and also the girl looks to "dumb" and i dont think ppl can look that "dumb."

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


The Site is about trying to help people with every day tips and tricks. They provide information to everyone about everything in life. It is not only about computers but on plants, photos and electronics. it has articles on how to make photographs come out better and clearer. The site is not only made buy one person it has many different writers. Some writers of the site are Adam Push, Gina Trapani and Tamer Weinberg. Lifehacker seems to be very active as some of their articles have over 7,000 views and a lot of their other articles had around 3,000 views. This blog is intended for i think from ages 16-30. they have many interesting articles that will interest many people. It is not for just one person since they have many topics. The Site is constantly updated as information comes on the web. They also have many products that they test to see how it works and to see if users should bother in buying them. The Site has ads so its a commercial site. It does not have many of them on the first page there was about 2-3 ads on and thats was about it.
The layout of the site is pretty simple it just has a basic list of the stories. it has about a paragraph of the story and then has a link to see if u would like to read more about it. Users are allowed to comment and post what they thing about the story. Users are also allowed to send them tips and questions about what they think or how to improve the site.
This site is very interesting and helpful. They have many reason why they have such a huge user database. I will probably look at this site every once in a a while and see if i can find a life "hack."

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Facebook and Myspace

In this article he talks about how myspace and facebook are seperated by different teen classes. He states how some teens who are the "outcast" go on myspace and not on facebook. these people use myspace as a way of showing their feelings to others by displaying different types of background and by the music that their pages have. Facebook was mostly used by college students until they open their doors to everyone. this caused many of the high school kids who wanted a facebook make a account and leave myspace because they saw facebook as a much cleaner site and didn't have any annoying pages to look at. This is a reason why i use facebook now instead of myspace because people who edit their pages and it they would have ridiculous amount of pictures and sounds on their pages that was way to annoying. danah boyd also says how people think that bad kids go on myspace and the good kids are on facebook. this is not true because even if your "good" or "bad" you would just use the network that has most of your friends in. i know most of my friends have left myspace and move to facebook now since they can meet more college students that way since they are all in the same school network. it also just make it easier finding student on facebook with the same interest than on myspace. there might be a class difference between myspace and facebook but this is mainly cause both these sites offer different options for their users. some just prefer facebooks "clean" looking site and other use myspace to just totally express themselves to the public.