Thursday, September 27, 2007

Facebook and Myspace

In this article he talks about how myspace and facebook are seperated by different teen classes. He states how some teens who are the "outcast" go on myspace and not on facebook. these people use myspace as a way of showing their feelings to others by displaying different types of background and by the music that their pages have. Facebook was mostly used by college students until they open their doors to everyone. this caused many of the high school kids who wanted a facebook make a account and leave myspace because they saw facebook as a much cleaner site and didn't have any annoying pages to look at. This is a reason why i use facebook now instead of myspace because people who edit their pages and it they would have ridiculous amount of pictures and sounds on their pages that was way to annoying. danah boyd also says how people think that bad kids go on myspace and the good kids are on facebook. this is not true because even if your "good" or "bad" you would just use the network that has most of your friends in. i know most of my friends have left myspace and move to facebook now since they can meet more college students that way since they are all in the same school network. it also just make it easier finding student on facebook with the same interest than on myspace. there might be a class difference between myspace and facebook but this is mainly cause both these sites offer different options for their users. some just prefer facebooks "clean" looking site and other use myspace to just totally express themselves to the public.

1 comment:

Preciousgem623 said...

I have to agree with you that people choose MySpace/Facebook depending on preference and what account(s) their friends have. People who believe in creativity go for MySpace and others who prefer “clean” and simplicity go for Facebook.
You made another good point about how many people are moving towards Facebook from MySpace as they are progressing towards college.